FEEDs mission is embodied in our acronym
We feed up to a 1000 learners on a daily basis in numerous areas in the wider PWV area through schools and residence based institutions.
is very active in the advocacy and inspiring of Education. FEED is a Brand Ambassador for the Movie Girl Rising and the International Girl Rising Movement using the power of narrative and states through and from the movie to inspire education
acknowledges the fact that only 30 % of the student population will pursue a University career It is with this mind-set that Empowerment through the establishment of numerous skills centres.
Aligning with Our motivation to create opportunities for development through skills and mentorship training and entrepreneurship;
we strive towards a holistic offering so ensuring that each individual is given the tools to achieve or outstrip his potential is the Development model we have adopted
We are currently pursuing the skills trade and hospitality SETAS to ensure that our students can aspire towards being the best possible version of themselves therefore regular sessions of motivation; entrepreneurship and mind power are additional offering we are working towards